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Tik Talk: A Claims Conversation About the Addictive Power of Social Media

June 4 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm

Social media’s addictive nature has changed how Americans live. Most of us go about our days with internet-connected devices constantly sharing or checking what others share, creating data. This revolution has impacted insurance claims, long noted for data appetite. Social media provides a wealth of material evidence, including profiles, posts with pictures and videos that could impeach claimed injury stories. Front-line adjusters, SIU professionals, legal counsel, risk managers, and insurance executives must evolve to utilize social media’s opportunity and impact claims. The sheer volume of posted, liked ,commented and shared content daily by consumers is relevant to claim professionals, whether mitigating deficiencies or examining injuries. Clear knowledge about how PI’s extrapolate pertinent evidence and investigative avenues, including surveillance plans from social media, is valuable. Learning Objectives: • What’s in the social universe and the metaverse? • Understanding the social addiction • Gathering social media evidence • What your social media mission should be? • Creating your social media investigative plan Each presentation provides one (1) hour of claims adjuster training credit in the following states: AR, CA (WC Only), DE, FL, GA, IN, LA, MN, MS, NC, NH, NM, NV, OK, OR (WC Only), TX