
NICB Contractor Fraud Awareness Week

In 2023, U.S. insurers paid more than $95 billion in catastrophe losses, with upwards of 10 percent or $9.5 billion lost to post-disaster fraud. The NICB founded Contractor Fraud Awareness Week four years ago as a response to the staggering losses our members faced following a disaster and the tragic impact on your customers. Join the Fight! May […]

Undercover: An Insider’s View on Optimizing Surveillance Outcomes

This course uses an insider’s view of surveillance operations to reveal how claim professionals can optimize their surveillance outcomes. We will define and break down operational optimization and its real-world impact on surveillance success and evidence viability. We will also candidly explain how inadequate surveillance, the result of ineffective communication, often occurs and emphasize how […]

Coalition 2024 Midyear Meeting

Get ready for an unforgettable experience! Our highly anticipated premier event of 2024 is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to welcome our esteemed fraud-fighting members back together on June 3-4 at the luxurious Kansas City Marriott Downtown. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN, and we encourage you to check out the agenda in advance to […]

Tik Talk: A Claims Conversation About the Addictive Power of Social Media

Social media's addictive nature has changed how Americans live. Most of us go about our days with internet-connected devices constantly sharing or checking what others share, creating data. This revolution has impacted insurance claims, long noted for data appetite. Social media provides a wealth of material evidence, including profiles, posts with pictures and videos that […]

Anti-Fraud Alliance 2nd Quarter Virtual Training Meeting

AFA is pleased to present this quarter's virtual training. California Department of Insurance Overview: This training will provide an overview of the California Department of Insurance SIU Regulations and common non-compliance findings. All regulations will be covered; however, the focus will be on properly completing suspected fraudulent claim referrals (SFC’s) and how to respond to […]

2024 FIFEC Conference

The FIFEC Board has started planning our 2024 Conference scheduled for June 26 – 28 at the Renaissance Orlando Hotel at SeaWorld. We are happy to announce that we have opened the […]

2024 IASIU Annual Conference

IASIU’s Annual Insurance Fraud Conference is recognized as the premier training program for investigators from the seasoned professional to the new SIU employee. Workshops on arson, auto and property theft, fraudulent life and disability claims, bodily injury scams, workers’ compensation fraud and others offer students in-depth discussion and training in the latest issues and techniques […]

International Fraud Awareness Week

Fraud Week is the perfect time to go a step further in your role as an anti-fraud professional and to start discussions amongst peers, coworkers, executives and stakeholders in your […]

Event Submission

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